
Autism Awareness

This infographic would be provided to a caregiver in the event that he suspects their child has Autism. It breaks down information easily so one can understand what to expect from their doctor and therapist. This booklet begins by addressing the caregiver and providing him with reassurance that he is not alone in this process. 

Statistics broken down by infographics make information easier to digest, the color palette is therapeutic and modern. All corners are rounded and type is lower case to remain approachable to the audience. The pages are organized by color, green embodies the caregiver and the first stages they should recognize when diagnosing their child. The descriptor at the top acts as a way finder. The blue color scheme is significant because is the color of scrubs. This section of the booklet focuses on what to expect from the physician. The color scheme transitions from blue to white when staging the Therapist's role. This booklet ends with the treatment your therapist will provide, and with an airy light-hearted tone.